Activity Sheet:
Race to the Beanbag

Activity Description:
  • One member from each team races out toward the beanbag which is lying on the far endline, equidistant form both teams.  Objective is to gain possession of the beanbag before the other team's player, pass it back to teammates standing in the home corner, and then make three consecutive passes while avoiding interception by the member of opposing team who did not reach the beanbag.  A point is awarded to the team who successfully makes three consecutive passes.
  • A new team member must go out each time the race to the beanbag begins again.
  • No headstarts (players must be behind cone in their corner) and wait for teacher's signal.
  • Defender may guard but not touch opponents.
  • Must stay within the entire playing area.
Teaching Points:
  • Use entire space (one quarter of the gym as marked out by pilons).
  • Show target and signal for pass (communicate).
  • Toss with a trajectory that makes the ball easy to catch.
  • Give signal to start when all teams ready to go.
Organization Points:
  • Four games being played simultaneously, each in a quarter of the gym.
  • Divide players into 8 equal teams.
  • Replace beanbag in original position after every play.
  • Use a pilon to designate the home corner.


Diagram of gym layout for Race to the Beanbag

Video Clip:
handball player - links to video

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